miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

II EJIO, Santiago de Compostela - SPEAKERS

Dear attendees, below you can find a summary about the professional career of each speaker that will participate in the II EJIO.

Prof. María Yzuel

She will be with us on Friday 29th session talking about SPIE oppotunities for young researchers.

María Yzuel has been a Professor of Optics at the Department of Physics, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain, since 1983. Formerly she was a Professor of Optics at the Universities of Zaragoza and Granada, Spain. She is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona, Spain.
She earned her Physics degree and Ph. D. Degree from the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Dr. Yzuel had a British Council grant for a post doctoral stay (1997 and 1998) at the University of Reading (UK) under the supervision of Prof. Harold H. Hopkins.
She has worked in diffraction image theory, image quality evaluation, apodization, applications to photolithography, optical pattern recognition, color information in correlators, design of filters. She also worked in medical optics and, recently, she is working in liquid crystal pannels applied in diffractive optics. She has published more than 300 scientific papers and she has supervised 20 Ph. D. Thesis.
She is Fellow member of the OSA (Optical Society of America), SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics), the Institute of Physics (IOP), the EOS (European Optical Society), and Socia de Honor of the Spanish Optical Society (SEDOPTICA) and of the Royal Spanish Physical Society. She served as President of SEDOPTICA from 1993 to 1996 and as Secretary General of the European Optical Society. She received the SPIE Board of Directors Award in 2005 and the Medal of the University of Warsaw (2005). She was Vice President of the Royal Spanish Physical Society (2007-2011). She served in the SPIE Board of Directors from 2001 to 2003 and from 2007 to 2011. She also served in several SPIE Committees (Education, Publications, Awards, Executive Committee, and Strategic Planning Committee). She served in several OSA committees (Fellows, Ives Medal, and the Editorial Board of OPN). Dr. Yzuel was the SPIE 2009 President. She received the Doctor Honoris Causa from the University Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Spain in 2010. In 2013 she received the high recognition of Commander of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise from the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Pablo Charlón Cardeñoso

He is going to give some tips about scientific societies and meetings organization to young researchers attending II EJIO on Friday 29th morning.

Pablo Charlón graduated in Optometry (2006) and obtained a Master's Degree in Vision Science (2010) in the University of Santiago de Compostela. Professional experience specializing in contact lens fitting in both regular and irregular corneas (keratoconus, corneal transplants, trauma, etc.), imaging techniques and low vision. He has participated as a speaker in several courses, conferences and scientific meetings. His scientific activity is mainly focused on image analysis for both studio and ocular diagnosis and monitoring pathologies. He has participated in over a dozen clinical trials and research projects. Author and co-author of original articles in international journals with impact as well as in several books. He is a professor and associate professor in various master's degrees. He is president of the Galician Society of Clinical Optometry and the organizing and scientific committees Eye and Vision Sciences Research International Meeting.
Víctor Cárdenes Van den Eynde

He will present the Marie Curie Alumni Association on Thursday 28 th.

Academic background

1. Geology Degree, 1999: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2. Pre-doctoral researcher, 1999 – 2001: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid
3. Master Degree in Avanced Studies in Estratigrafia, 2004: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
4. Master Degree in Geological Engineering and Geological resources, 2010: Universidad de Oviedo
5. Doctor in Geology, 2012: Universidad de Oviedo. Pizarras para cubiertas: Petrología, Patologías y Restauración
6. Post-doctoral researcher, 2014: Universidad de Gante, Bélgica. Programa Pegasus Marie Curie, FWO.
7. Post-doctoral researcher, 2015-2016: Universidad de Gante, Bélgica. Programa Marie Curie IEF.


1. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado, 2013, Universidad de Oviedo.

Work experience
1. Geologist and Quality Manager, 2001 – 2006: Pizarras SAMACA S.A., Ourense, España.
2. Research Director, 2006 – 2008: Fundación Centro Tecnológico de la Pizarra, Ourense, España.
3. Researcher (Decorative rocks durability), 2010 – 2011: Universidad de Oviedo
4. Summer schools professor, 2011: Organization and management of the course “Caracterización normativa de pizarras para cubiertas”, Universidad de Oviedo

Scientific papers in most representative index journals (JCR

Cárdenes, V., Rubio-Ordoñez, A., Cnudde, V. and Cnudde, J.P. (2014). Petrology of roofing slates. Earth Science Reviews. In press.
Cárdenes, V., Rubio-Ordoñez, A., Monterroso, C., & Calleja, L. (2013). Geology and Geochemistry of Iberian roofing slates. Chemie der Erde 73, pp. 373-382.
Cárdenes, V., Monterroso, C., Rubio, A., Mateos, F.J. and Calleja, L. (2012). Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the bending strength of roofing slate tiles. Engineering Geology 129-130, pp. 91-97.
Cárdenes, V., Rubio-Ordoñez, A., López-Munguira, A., de la Horra, R., Monterroso, C., Paradelo, R. and Calleja, L. (2010). Mineralogy and modulus of rupture of roofing slate: Applications in the prospection and quarrying of slate deposits. Engineering Geology 114, pp. 191-197.
Cárdenes, V., Paradelo, R. and Monterroso, C. (2009). Passivation techniques to prevent corrosion of iron sulphides in roofing slates. Corrosion Science 51, pp. 2387-2392.

Others publications

Cárdenes, V., R. Paradelo, Monterroso, C. (2013). Las minas de tungsteno de Valborraz: Descripción de un foco potencial de contaminación de arsénico. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe (37), pp. 147-162.
Cárdenes, V. (2012). "La pizarra española frente a la metalutita brasileña." Roc Máquina (131): 26-29.
Cárdenes, V. and Rubio Ordoñez, A. (2010). Petrografía y mineralogía de las pizarras para cubiertas de la Península Ibérica en relación con su calidad. Trabajos de Geología 30, pp. 412-420.
Cárdenes, V. and A. Rubio-Ordoñez (2008). Petrología de la pizarra para cubiertas y sus factores de calidad. Tierra y Tecnología 34, pp. 91-96.
Paradelo, R. and Cárdenes, V. (2011). Descrición da industria galega da lousa e do seu impacto ambiental. Revista de la Real Academia Galega de Ciencias 30, pp. 65-90.

Books and chapters in books

Cárdenes, V., Rubio, A. and Calleja, L. (2011). Standard characterization of roofing slates. Technological advances: Thermal solar panel. Electronic book. ISBN 978-84-615-1960-6.
Cárdenes V., Rubio A., Calleja L. (2012). Yacimientos y explotaciones de pizarra para cubiertas. In: Bahamonde JR, Cuesta A, Fernández-González MA, Fernández-González LP, Colombo F (eds). Itinerarios Geológicos por Asturias. Sociedad Geológica de España, Oviedo. pp 57-73.
Cárdenes, V., Pais, V. García-Guinea, J. and Gómez-Fernández, F. (2006). Pizarras de Techar. In García del Cura M.A and Cañaveras, C. (eds.), Utilización de Rocas y Minerales Industriales, Alicante, pp. 183-217.
Lombardero, M., Garcia-Guinea, J. and Cárdenes, V. (2002). The Geology of Roofing Slate. In Bristow, C. and Ganis, B. (eds.), Industrial Minerals and the Extractive Industry Geology, Geological Society Publishing House, Bath, pp. 59-66.

Participation in Scientific Meetings

Cárdenes, V., Cnudde, V., De Boever, W. and Mateos, F. (2013). Micro-CT and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry Characterization of the Fabric of Roofing Slate. In: V. Cnudde and D. Bernard (Editors), 1st International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, Ghent, pp. 225-228.
Cárdenes, V., Boever, W.D., Cnudde, J.P. and Cnudde, V. (2013). Micro-CT study of the pathologies developed in roofing slate under acid attack, 14th Euroseminar on microscopy applied to building materials, Helsingør.
Cárdenes, V., Rubio, A. and Calleja, L. (2012). Características macroscópicas y microscópicas de las pizarras para cubiertas de la Península Ibérica. Geotemas, Vol. 13, pp 273. VIII Spanish Geological Congress.
Cárdenes, V., Mateos, F. and Paradelo, R. (2011). Analysis of the correlations between freeze-thaw and salt crystallizations tests. In Blieck, A. et al. (eds.), GEOREG. Forum de la Fédération Française des Géosciences. Géosciences des Régions de France et des pays environnants, Nancy.
Cárdenes, V., Rubio Ordoñez, A., Paradelo, R. and Monterroso, C. (2010). Arsenic contamination in land affected by an abandoned tungsten mine in Galicia (NW Spain). In Chaosheng, Z. (ed.), SEGH 2010 International Conference and Workshops. Environmental Quality and Human Health, Galway, pp. 237.


Member of Scientific Committee of International Federation for the roofing Trade (www.ifd.com).
Scientific Colaborator of Departamento de Geologia de la Universidad de Oviedo.

Elisabeth A. Rogan (Chief Executive Officer of OSA)

She will open the meeting with an introduction of OSA opportunities to young researchers.

Liz Rogan has spent 30 years working in the corporate, federal and non-profit industries. She worked on Capitol Hill for the Architect of the Capitol, spent time on a successful re-election senate campaign and with a political action committee. In Washington, she gained first-hand experience in the unique way things get accomplished in the world of government. She also learned the importance of grassroots advocacy and the value of listening and responding to constituent needs and interests, a skill that has served her well over the years. Liz held corporate positions in the real estate, public accounting and banking industries before she transitioned to the non-profit world as the Asst. Controller of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. She has a BA in Accounting from the University of Connecticut, is a CPA, and an alumnus of an executive business program from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Liz has been at OSA for more than 20 years in positions initially focused on operations, the last position being Chief Operating Officer. Beginning in 2002, she was honored with the role of Chief Executive Officer of OSA and the OSA Foundation. As OSA CEO, she reports to the Board of Directors and is responsible for the oversight, strategic direction and fiscal soundness of programs and activities of this $35M, 150+ staff Society. The Foundation has a $7M+ reserve and activities include both fundraising and program development. In addition, Liz is the Society’s spokesperson and advocate to a wide range of OSA constituencies, including its members, volunteers, co-sponsors and customers, throughout the global optics community.
Ulrike Woggon

We will have the opportunity of having a coffee with her.
Ulrike Woggon studied Physics at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and the Humboldt-University in Berlin, Germany. In 1985 she received her PhD in Experimental Physics from the Humboldt-University in Berlin. During this time, her two sons were born in 1980 and 1985. In 1992 she was awarded with a grant for habilitation by the German National Science Foundation (DFG) and went to the group of Prof. Klingshirn were she conducted research on semiconductor quantum dots using various methods of ultrafast laser spectroscopy and nonlinear optics. In 1995 she got the habilitation from the University of Kaiserslautern with a thesis on "Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots" which has been published as a monograph in Springer Tracts in Modern Physics in 1996. From 1993 to 1997 she was in charge of a research group on optical spectroscopy of II-VI quantum dots at the Institute of Applied Physics at the University of Karlsruhe. In 1997 she became a full-time Professor at the Department of Physics in Dortmund, heading a group of about 10 members working on problems of quantum coherence in semiconductor nanostructures, photonic structures and microsphere cavities, single-dot spectroscopy at nanocrystals and quantum dots and quantum-dot based devices. 

Ángela M. Guzman

She will approach us ICO opportunities for young researchers in Optics (ICO Round table).

Angela M. Guzmán joined CREOL at UCF in 2011. She is Professor Emeritus of the National University of Colombia, where she obtained her B. Sc. and M. Sc. degrees in Physics, and worked for over 25 years. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich for research conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, and did her post-doctoral work at the Optical Sciences Center of the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. In 1988, as a young scientist, she was awarded the Colombian “Third World Academy of Science” Prize. In 1989 she was appointed Regular Associate Member of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics(ICTP), Trieste, Italy. She is the recipient of the 1992-93 “Sarwar Razmi” Prize of the ICTP. In 1998 she was elected a member of the Colombian Academy of Sciences, and became Senior Associate of the ICTP. Currently she chairs the Advisory Group for the Trieste System on Optical Sciences and Applications (TSOSA). Prof. Guzmán Chaired the International Council of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and served as a Member of that Society’s Board of Directors during the period 2003-2004. From 2005 to 2008 she served as a Vice President of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) and Member of the ICO Bureau. In 2007 she was made an OSA Fellow for her contributions to quantum and atom optics and to the promotion of optics in developing countries. Since 2008 she is the ICO Secretary General, serving until 2014; a part of her duties is to serve as the editor of the ICO Newsletter. In 2011 she received an Honorary Doctorate from the Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kachatur Abovyan.

Fernando Pardo 

He will explain some concepts about patents in science on Friday 29th.

BSc degree in Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and PhD in Physics from USC. During the period 1999-2005 he worked in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at USC, gaining research experience in the field of digital medical image processing and IC design, with over 15 articles published in scientific journals and conferences. Professor at the University of Valladolid, Department of Electronics Technology, during the period 2006-10, during which he participated in teaching innovation projects. In August 2011 he joined the technology transfer office of the USC where he manages industrial-intellectual property of the USC.

See you in Santiago! 

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

II EJIO Final Program

The final program of the II EJIO is:

Thursday, August 28th, 2014 (FACULTY OF MEDICINE)

15:45h - Registration (at USC-OSA desk)
16:30h - OSA introduction. Elizabeth Rogan (OSA Chief Executive Officer)
17:00h - Scientific coffee
18:00h - Award to Instagram contest
18:05h - Break

18:15h - Marie Curie Alumni Association introduction
18:45h- Student Chapters and Student Clubs meeting
20:30h - Student Reception (sponsored by OSA)

Friday, August 29th, 2014 (FACULTY OF OPTICS AND OPTOMETRY)

10:00h - SPIE Student Chapters benefits. Dr Maria Yzuel
10:30h - Patents in Science. Fernando Pardo (USC)
11:00h - A Young Scientific Society. Pablo Charlón (SGOC President)
11:30h - Coffee break
12:00h - Round Table: ICO activities for young scientist. Ángela Guzmán (ICO)
13:30h - Lunch

16:30h - Área Joven Assembly
18:00h - Guided Visit to Santiago de Compostela

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

10:00h - Tryp to Illa de Ons (Optional)

 See you soon in Santiago de Compostela. Have a nice trip!

martes, 1 de julio de 2014

First Instagram Contest

¡Ladys & Gentlemen! Due to the second Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics (II EJIO by its initials in Spanish) we want to invite you to participate in our First Instagram Contest Santiago de Compostela.

One or several pictures have to be submitted in Instagram with a title and with the specified hashtags (#OpticsEffectsEJIO #EJIO2014 #OSA #IYL2015) and users (@ajsedoptica y @usc_osa) to participate in the contest. Example: “A different rainbow” #OpticsEffectsEJIO #EJIO2014 #OSA #IYL2015 @ajsedoptica y @usc_osa
Each contestant would be able to submit 3 different pictures. All of the pictures have to be original, unpublished and taken by the contestant.

The completed bases can be consulted here.

Primer Concurso de Instagram

¡Chicos! ¡chicas! En el Área Joven de SEDOPTICA os proponemos un Concurso de fotografía para todos los participantes en el II EJIO que tendrá lugar en Santiago de Compostela.

Para participar en el concurso se deben publicar una o varias fotografías en Instagram, con el título que el participante quiera ponerle, y etiquetadas con los hashtags siguientes: #OpticsEffectsEJIO #EJIO2014 #OSA #IYL2015. Se recomienda también nombrar al usuario del Área Joven @ajsedoptica y @usc_osa.

Consulta las bases completas aquí.

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

OPEN REGISTRATION: II Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics

As we announced a couple of months ago, the II Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics will take place in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) from August 28th to 30th as a part of the 23rd Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) with the Spanish Optical Society (SEDOPTICA) as host society for the meeting.

The aim of this kind of meetings is to put in touch the Spanish young researchers in Optics and the ones from all over the world in order to enhance scientific collaboration, share experiences and understand a bit more how this Optical research world works.

The program of the event is (lectures will be given either in English or Spanish):

Thursday, August 28th, 2014 (FACULTY OF MEDICINE)

15:45h - Registration (at USC-OSA desk)
16:30h - OSA introduction. Elizabeth Rogan (OSA Chief Executive Officer)
17:00h - Scientific coffee
18:00h - Award to Instagram contest
18:05h - Break
18:15h - Student Chapters and Student Clubs meeting
20:30h - Student Reception (sponsored by OSA)

Friday, August 29th, 2014 (FACULTY OF OPTICS AND OPTOMETRY)

10:30h - Round Table: ICO activities for young scientists
11:30h - Marie Curie Alumni Association Introduction
12:00h - Coffee Break
12:30h - Patents in Science. Fernando Pardo (USC)
13:00h - A Young Scientific Society, Pablo Charlón (SGOC President)
13:30h - Lunch
16:30h - Área Joven Assembly
18:00h - Guided Visit to Santiago de Compostela

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

11:00h - Tryp to Illa de Ons (Optional)

Registration should be carried out via email (area.joven.sedoptica@gmail.com) with the proof of payment and the registration form attached. About the registration, there are two modalities:
  1. Regular: 30€
  2. Reduced (for ICO attendees): 20€
The payment should be done to the bank account: CCC: 0049 5117 24 2516146366 (Bank: SANTANDER) / IBAN: ES91 0049 5117 2425 1614 6366 (Swift code: BSCHESMM).


The program and the registration form can be downloaded here (English and Spanish version).

Bseides, we recommend you book the accomodation in the University of Santiago de Compostela Residence Service. It will be booked  by the organizing committee until July 15th, 2014.

Hope to see you in Santiago!

domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Imágenes espectrales, ¡no hay por qué tenerles miedo!

Cuando uno escucha las palabras imágenes espectrales lo primero que siente es un escalofrío que le recorre todo el cuerpo, después una presencia extraña y a continuación una mano translúcida y huesuda apoyada en su hombro...

¡Pues ni mucho menos! Os sorprendería lo llenas de luz y color que pueden llegar a estar estas imágenes, pero para poder comprender lo que son primero debemos familiarizarnos con su origen: el espectro electromagnético.

Espectro electromagnético

Se define al espectro electromagnético como el conjunto de las radiaciones electromagnéticas, las cuales van desde los rayos gamma hasta las ondas de radio, pasando por las que más nos interesan a nosotros, las radiaciones ultravioletas, visibles e infrarrojas. En otras palabras, se trata de luz ultravioleta (UV), visible (VIS) e infrarroja (IR). 

 Espectro electromagnético.

Estas radiaciones se pueden definir mediante varios parámetros, siendo los más comunes su frecuencia y sobretodo su longitud de onda. Estas se expresan en hercios (Hz) y nanómetros (nm), respectivamente. 

A modo de pequeño repaso, recordemos qué es la longitud de una onda. La longitud de onda expresa la distancia que existe entre dos puntos de una onda que poseen la misma fase. Dicho de otra forma, es la distancia existente entre dos puntos que se encuentran en el mismo estado, ya sean dos crestas, dos valles o cualquier otra pareja de puntos en fase.

Longitud de onda.

En consecuencia, se puede caracterizar el espectro electromagnético en función de la longitud de sus ondas. Por ejemplo, las ondas ultravioletas poseen una longitud de onda menor que las visibles y estas a su vez menor que las infrarrojas. Concretamente, la radiación ultravioleta va desde los 200 a los 380nm, la visible desde los 380 a los 780nm y la infraroja desde los 780nm a las 1000µm.

Como último apunte, resaltar que en el rango visible del espectro las diferentes longitudes de onda estan asociadas a distintos colores.

Una vez repasado todo esto, tenemos las herramientas suficientes para entender lo que son las imágenes espectrales.

Imágenes espectrales

Denominamos imágenes espectrales a las imágenes de una misma escena captadas en diferentes intervalos del espectro. Existen dos métodos para conseguir dichas imágenes:
  1. Uso de fuentes de luz de distinto espectro. Luz ultravioleta, luz azul, verde o roja, luz infrarroja, etc.
  2. Uso de un sistema de filtraje situado delante de la cámara.
 Ejemplo de imágenes espectrales desde el ultravioleta (UV) al infrarrojo (IR). 

En el caso del uso de fuentes de luz de distinto espectro, un ejemplo consistiría en tomar tres fotografías distintas de un mismo objeto iluminándolo primero con luz azul, luego verde y por último roja. Del mismo modo, esto se hace extensible al ultravioleta y al infrarrojo, empleando fuentes de luz de diferentes espectros ultravioletas e infrarrojos. Concretamente, al conjunto de imágenes espectrales captadas a diferentes rangos espectrales se le denomida cubo espectral.

Los LEDs de colores son fuentes de luz visibles que pueden emitir en diferentes intervalos del espectro visible (azul, verde, amarillo, rojo, etc).

Por otro lado, tenemos el uso de sistemas de filtraje. En este segundo método se emplea una fuente de luz blanca, también llamada de espectro amplio, el cual puede abarcar desde el visible hasta el infrarrojo. A continuación, el sistema de filtraje situado frente a la cámara se encarga de dejar pasar solo una porción determinada y diferente del espectro cada vez que se captura una imagen.

La clasificación de las imágenes espectrales se realiza según el número de canales espectrales. Por lo tanto encontramos imágenes tricromáticas (tres canales espectrales), imágenes multiespectrales (de cuatro a nueve canales), imágenes hiperespectrales (de 10 a 100 canales) e imágenes ultraespectrales (más de 100 canales). Cada uno de esos canales se corresponde con una imagen, de modo que esos números se refieren de forma directa al número de imágenes capturadas.

En definitiva, esto son las imágenes espectrales, un conjunto de imágenes adquiridas a diferentes longitudes de onda, nada más y nada menos.

Si quereis más información sobre el Área Joven de SEDOPTICA, no dejeis de visiar nuestro Facebook (ÁreaJoven Sedoptica) y Twitter (@sedopticaAJ).

¡Hasta la próxima!

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

II Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Óptica

Tras el éxito del I Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Óptica celebrado el año pasado en Valencia durante la XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, este año tendrá lugar el II Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Óptica.  Este se celebrará en Santiago de Compostela del 28 al 30 de Agosto dentro del marco de la 23ª edición del Congreso de la International Commission for Optics (ICO) con la Sociedad Española de Óptica (SEDOPTICA) como anfitriona.

Cartel II EJIO

La filosofía del Área Joven y de estos encuentros sigue siendo la misma: poner en contacto a todos aquellos que estamos empezando a construir nuestro camino dentro del mundo de la óptica, aprender de cada uno de nosotros y también de los investigadores séniors que tienen la amabilidad de participar en estos eventos.

A medida que vayamos definiendo las diferentes actividades y modalidades de inscripción las iremos publicando en este blog.

¡Os esperamos en Santiago!

I EJIO - Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

Primera Edición del Premio al mejor artículo de Iniciación a la Investigación en Óptica y Fotónica

Desde el Área Joven de SEDOPTICA queremos animaros a participar en la primera edición del Premio al Mejor Artículo de Iniciación a la Investigación en Óptica y Fotónica.

Este premio nace con voluntad de convocarse anualmente, está patrocinado por SPIE y la empresa Álava Ingenieros con la pretensión de estimular los trabajos en la revista OPA (Óptica Pura y Aplicada) de estudiantes de titulaciones con contenidos en Óptica y Fotónica, y promover así las vocaciones científicas en este campo.

Para consultar las bases y requisitos pueden consultar el siguiente PDF:

1ª Edición del Premio al mejor artículo de Iniciación a la investigación en Óptica y Fotónica